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Looking forward to the start of 2023 season


Your elected officers (Howard Weinberger, President and Tom Newton, VP) for the Pole Creek Men's Club want to welcome you to another great season for PC Men's Club! The 2023 season will kick off as soon as the snow all goes down the river! We have assembled a great squad to lead the way this season with Charlie Carrol as the Treasurer, with Shawn Moynahan, Ed Steinauer, Kurt Fuller, Mike Lambert, Eric Almanzar (new board member) and Kevin Ortell (new board member) at-large members of the Board.

The fee for being a member of the Men's Club in 2023 is $175 which includes your USGA GHIN Handicap set up at Pole Creek ($140 for players with their own GHIN at another course). Your membership fee also covers 2 free lunches, hole-in-one 'insurance' and the year-end Awards Banquet! Being a member also gives you the opportunity to play in the club championship and many other fun events during the season.

Hopefully the course will open soon, and we can all get out to play! We have scheduled the season opening round toward the end of May, weather permitting. We expect that the official kick-off day will be June 4th which will also be the start of our match play tournament - ($50 fee to enter season-long match play tournament). We will be serving a free lunch on this day, also, so be sure to mark your calendars.

Some other key dates to note:

Our Member/Member event will be held on July 16th. Again this year, we will play 27 holes, each nine will be a different format, with lunch served after 18. This event is lots of fun. We will pair up singles, if necessary, if you don't have a member partner.

The Member Guest Tournament will be August 11 -13. Beginning on the evening of the 11th and will feature the famous horse race! Please note, the member guest weekend will be in August this year, not July, as has been the case in recent years.

The Men's Club Championship Tournament will be a 36 hole event held on August 26 -27.

As usual, we will have our scheduled game on Sundays with a starting date to be May 21st, weather permitting. All players have the choice of which tees to play from, course handicap will be calculated from those tees each day.

Most weeks, the Sunday game entry fee will be $10 cash with an option to play in a skins game for an additional $10 per player. Pro shop prizes will be awarded for the game minus any closest to the pin contest cash award. The Sunday Game each week will be a Gross and Net Winner one with the number of places paid determined by the number of players. The $10 Skin game will be paid out in cash and handicaps will be applied to determine the winners. Some weeks, though, we will be playing 2-man teams, stableford formats or other games - the weekly invitation will outline the game being played each week.

To play in the Club Championship you must have played a minimum of 3 days played in Men's Club weekly game.

A few rules to note:

1. Our rule each and every week will be to play the ball DOWN...which means NO TOUCHING THE BALL, PERIOD. In the case of particularly bad playing conditions, all golfers will be notified of any changes to this rule for a particular day, prior to teeing off. Any golfer who violates this rule will be assessed the applicable penalty.

2. Pace of play is key focus for the men's club. Keep up the posted pace for the course and please be sure to keep up with the group in front of you. No one likes waiting during a long round of golf.


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